It all started when I opened my birthday suitcase from the BFF and the BF.
What is a birthday suitcase? I'm so glad you asked. When you live thousands of miles away from the people you love and shipping is absurdly expensive and unreliable, your birthday presents come packaged in suitcases, rather than gift wrapping. Let me be clear - this is for the convenience of the gift giver. The gift receiver, on the other hand, has to refrain from opening said suitcase for weeks at a time with only a zipper between you and its contents. A very difficult endeavor, indeed.
Not to worry, Dinger & TheGabe... I succeeded even without an app for that.
The birthday suitcase was filled to brim with colorful tissue paper and thoughtful little trinkets and gestures. Initially upon opening the birthday suitcase, I was hit with heavy homesickness, which was immediately superseded by overwhelming gratitude and an ear-to-ear grin. What did I do to get so lucky?
TheGabe printed out and framed 14 pictures of himself. How... err... thorough. :) |
Emma, my roommate, baked me a homemade carrot cake that was TO DIE FOR. She is a wiz with our new toaster oven. I know, you're impressed.
My suitemates from across the hall came over and sang me happy birthday! TOO CUTE!
Considering I am an ocean away, there were a lot more Facebook presents this year which I thought was absolutely adorable. Plus, there is nothing quite like the feeling of 100+ notifications on your Facebook homepage. Admit it... you like it! #newagekicks
My little sister made me a photo collage! LOVED IT! She also sent me this picture of my Handsome Doglet who I miss in an unhealthy way.
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Dinger and TheGabe went around to all my favorite places in FoCo and sent me these pathetic photos of them celebrating my birthday without me. Sad.
Exotic guacamole @ El Monte... how I miss thee. |
My MiniMe made me this which I thought was EPIC! Ugh. I miss you.
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She is too adorable! |
I spent the day studying so that I could go over to our friend Emily's for movie night! All my favorites were there. We ate pizza and drank wine on Emily's incredible deck that overlooks a private beach. Ophelia and Val surprised me with a DELICIOUS coconut cake (this is the CARIBBEAN after all!) and a cute card. Then we did normal movie night things... you know... mani/pedis, braiding each other's hair, trying on all of Emily's wigs, etc.. And of course, indulged in some MAGIC MIKE. I think this is one subject that both men and women can agree on; Channing Tatum is HOT. It was all just a little TOO much fun.
Thoughtfully, O only added nine candles so as not to make me cry. |
This is primarily for my records because I think it sums up EXACTLY how I feel about turning 25 and would make good reading for those of you in or close to being in the Quarter Century Club.
Speaking of, I've decided to update my reading list for my breaks. Out with the Twilights and the Hunger Games, in with the self-help books, time-honored tales and historical narratives. Woo. Hoo.
And the Grand Finale, Dinger delivered
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Welcome to the world, little man! You have the coolest birthday EVER. |
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I know. My BFF has THE coolest job. EVER. |
Well, back to studying. The profs, in true form, have really piled it on us in the past week. Until next time.
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St. George's this past full moon. Photographer: unknown. |
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
Hello, how are you? i am the photographer of the full moon photo you have there. here is a link to my website. so the appropriate credit can be placed, thanks much.
and flickr