Sunday, 30 September 2012

The Quickie

I don't have much time, so I'll make this quick. It's 2am here and I have officially been studying for 14 hours straight. Let's see if I can form some quasi-legible sequences of words at this point, shall we?

It's been a very busy week wrapping up quizzes and assignments and beginning the daunting task of studying for midterms, (insert griping and moaning here).

I have been having trouble focusing so I've figured out some clever ways to trick myself into studying. For those of your student out there... you're welcome. At first I thought the problem was studying in my dorm room.

This is pretty much what I looked like. Thus, I spent the next few days experimenting in various sections of the library to no avail. My failed experiments just resulted in public temper tantrums like these that NO ONE appreciated. BTW, that website warms my heart and makes me feel not so alone, if you couldn't tell. Thanks, Whittaker.

Eitherwho, I finally figured out that my procrastination was primarily induced by running into difficult material that either bored me or frustrated me to the point of distraction. Enter, MacBook Air. Once I jumped on that little guy, who I love EVER so dearly, I was toast for a good 20 minutes. I know what you're thinking... 20 minutes? That's nothing. But those 20 minutes add up rather quickly and pretty soon it's 1am and you're still on the first set of slides in your first class, banging your head against a wall. No bueno.

So, I make the same assumption any modern, Apple-loving, 20-something college student would make...

"There's gotta be an app for that."

Oh, there is.  The Self Control App. Set that timer for however long you think you will need and you are completely locked out of any tempting social media-esque websites that are trying to ruin your life, 20 minutes at a time. By locked out, I mean locked out. No ifs, ands or buts about it. Nothing will get you into them. I may or may not have tried... twice.

Speaking of 20 minutes... TIME'S UP! Gotta get back to it.

Ta ta for now.

Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I’ll understand.
Chinese proverb

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